Come and Be Wild

Our Story



Wild Things Farm shares the land with the historic Drake School House, which was build in 1891. It is a one room school house that was active from 1891-1943. The corner of the land was donated to the Benzie Area Historical society in 1988 by former land owner, Kathrine Maley. Now as a museum, the school house is open to the public every Saturday July-August.

Wild Things Farm was purchased by Hank and Louann Werksma in 2015. The land was desolated of nutrients from years of corn on the land. It took the family three years of nurturing the soil through savanna farming before they were able to successfully sustain plant life.

In 2021 Farmer Hank tended to 200 berry plants, and the Werksma family had a successful garden harvest. In the next year they are planning on planting Cider Apple Trees, and are in hopes that the wild flowers will flourish in the two acre pollinator reserve.


It is no secret that Northern Michigan has the most beautiful summers in country. Traverse City, which was once mainly known as the Cherry Capitol of the World, is know also known as the Nappa Valley of the Mid West. The Traverse City area is home to over forty scenic wineries that is a designation for many wine tours. Wild Things Farm also lives inside of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The farm is 4 miles from a beautiful secluded beach front which allows pets and beach front bon fires.

Plan a day of hiking Sleeping Bear Dunes then relax under the stars on the farm.